Paul’s First and Second Letters to Timothy

Paul and Timothy, a much younger man, were very close, and Paul describes him as his 'own son in the faith'.. Paul knew Timothy's family well, and had shared with him tthe triumphs and hardships of missionary work. Now Timothy has taken up a major, long-term posting with the community of believers in Ephesus, and Paul writes to encourage and strengthen him in his responsibilities, to offer insight into the appointment of spiritual leaders, and to ensure that Timothy was prepared to withstand the many oppositions that would have to be faced. The letters provide much individual advice to Timothy, but also reveal a lot about the community life of believers, its challenges, and how they should be met through the proper selection of wise spiritual elders.

Q: Why was Timothy given so much authority despite his youth?

A: Here is the answer to question one.

Q: If women are not to have authority over men, are they not as important in God’s plan?

A: Here is the answer to question two.

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